2 different way of doing cardio.

For today’s post, I will speak about the 2 different ways of doing cardio for people who want to keep their “muscular” gains, earned after all those hours lifting weight in the gym.

It’s important to know that when the body needs energy, I will first take it in the fat and turn it into energy but when there is no more fat, the body will take the energy in the muscle, which will destroy it and make it looks smaller. 

The first and most common way is to do between 20 and 30 minutes of low intensity training (between 120 and 130 bpm). DON’T exceed this time or your muscle will slowly diseaper. 

The second and more contreversial way to do it is the High Interval intensity training. It means that for example, you climb some stairs, the fastest possible till the top (for about 20 seconds you give everything you have) and then you calmly walk down, trying to catch your breathe and rest. This “pause” part shouldn’t last more than 1 minutes tho. 

Although the most common way for me is the first one, I like to go sometimes do some High Interval intensity training at the American Airlines Arena where the stairs are the perfect length for this kind of workout! 


What Fitness is really about !

Hi Everyone!


For today’s post, I want to speak about what lifting weight is about.

Most people only see that as something stupid, a loss of time and a meaningless action. As most of those critics are true, come on, we have to agree that going to a gym and just lifting weights for 2 hours everyday to get bigger is a little bit stupid, but well some people like it.

For me, getting in shape is more than “just” getting in shape. It’s a spiritual journey that you have to achieve first and once you accept all the sacrifice it will involve, then you can put your body in motion to achieve your vision of yourself.

It’s the most accurate way to triumph on your weakness. You know what I am talking about right? When you are lying on your couch, eating some sweets and watching the TV and when you got absolutely no motivation to move you ass, well that’s when you have to prove to yourself that you better than that, that you are able to get yourself ready, to travel to the gym, to lift heavy weights and always push yourself harder.

Now that’s only the part in the gym, which many people achieve, but what make the difference between the mainstream and the finest is the way they eat. Many people just go to the gym, but don’t give a special attention to what they are eating and well, I got some news from you people, training is only 50 %, you know when you working out, you are breaking your muscle and well afterwards, in order for them to grow and get a good shape, you must feed them with appropriate food. The others 50 % of the long journey of fitness are in the kitchen. You have to read a lot, to learn a lot of facts about food, body metabolism, then apply what you have learned on your food habits and most important, not allow yourself to eat crab and resist to the temptation every day.

That’s what fitness is about. Everyone is the same at the beginning, nobody has any advantage and the only things that make you progress is the hours you spend in the gym, what you put in your mouth, and the lifestyle you have. Without all this hard work and dedication you remain the same, and if you want to prove yourself that you can do it, there is no way to cheat. Conclusion: to achieve your goals, you have to do, what you have to do. It seems kind of stupid to say it this way, but I do really think it’s the best way to describe what fitness is about!

How a passion is born

Hi Everyone!

 For this post I will explain to all of you how I started lifting weights, which has become today a very important aspect of my life.

Unlike many stories people hear, like the fat kid who wanted to loose weight, or the bullied kid who wanted to defend himself, I was always into sports since I am a child. At the age of 10, I was in the swimming club of my city and at the age of 15, I had workouts 6 times a week. I was also a lot into boxing and the mix of those sports made me look big already as a child and also made me love the physic effort.

At the age of 15, I moved to another city, Zurich, in the German part of Switzerland. I didn’t speak any German and my integration in the school was difficult. I start spending a lot of times in the gym of the school (my former school didn’t had any gym for the students).

It was a perfect place to hang out and meet new people because well, when we are working out, we don’t really need to speak.

One year after, I moved back to my city. I stopped swimming because I was really starting to hate it and for Christmas my parents offered me one year in the biggest gym of my town.

I was really happy and started working out everyday in this gym, which is about 1 hour from my house.  So everyday I had to make 2 hours of public transportation just to go to the gym. I kept all the friends I had from school, neighborhood but people from the gym became really important to me because they were sharing the exact same goals than me. With a dozen others kids from this gym, who were about the same age and same level than me, we became almost like a family. Still now we are very close to each other, and the fact that we started all in the same time, at the same age and at the same gym allows us to motivate each other, share our experiences, have non ending conversations about our passion. 

Hi everyone !

Hi everyone ! For my first post, I am going to introduce myself.

So my name is Philippe Garoflid. I am 19 years old and I was born in Swizterland. I live now in Miami and I am a business student of the University of Miami in Business.

I created this blog to share nutritional advices or workout tips because I love fitness and I want to help everyone who want to reach their goals in fitness. 

Welcome to my blog !